Our mobile-based platform makes your program accessible from anywhere.

Our Technology platform is designed to scale to your needs as well as track all activity.

  1. Mobile Enabled
    Employees are able to access their program from anywhere using any device.
  2. Social Recognition
    Engage employees by providing a forum where they can recognize each other for daily accomplishments and living the company's values.
  3. Points Banking
    The ability for employees to earn and accumulate points is a great way to integrate multiple recognition initiatives into one cohesive platform.
  4. Manager Dashboard
    Provide managers with the ability to quickly view all team activity in graphical format.
  5. Budget Management
    Built-in technology to effectively manage and control your budget.
  6. Reporting Suite
    Dashboard reporting suite for administrators to quickly view program analytics.
  7. Global
    Reach all employees with a seamless user experience, regardless of their location.
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